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Thar be Content Warnings!

I am a firm believer in allowing readers to decide their own level of interaction with a story. If you don’t want spoilers or content warnings, you should back out of this page! Because here is where I put such notices for readers who DO want content warnings for specific books.

If you read one of my book and believe it needs a content warning/spoiler that is not included here, please drop me an email and let me know! Thank you, and happy reading!

Stories/projects listed in alphabetical order:

Damaged Goods

This is set in a small northern town in Michigan and features a lot of angst but a happy ending.

Warnings include:

  • Small town homophobia
  • PTSD from domestic violence
  • Graphic (on-screen) domestic violence
  • Stalking (by secondary character, not MLs!)
  • Issues related to learning disorders and illiteracy
Dawn in the Orchard

This novel is set in the deep South and reflects the bigotry queer people experience there. It has a happy ending but it’s a rough ride for our boys!

Warnings include:

  • Homophobia
  • Internalized homophobia (by one ML)
  • General small town bigotry
  • Panic attacks
  • Stage fright
  • Grief/mourning (for relative who dies prior to the start of the story)
Dragon's Grail Arc 1: Escape from Ice Mountain (Ongoing)

This is on ongoing serial launched in February, 2024, and is the first arc of a story that is planned to go on for a long time. If you don’t like “works in progress,” you should NOT start this story! 

That said, I do plan an eventual happy ending for our three main leads, the dragon, and the dogs (IYKYK). 

Warnings are subject to be added to over time, but I do not intend to drop any shockers on readers. The vibe for this story is a cross between the TV show “Wheel of Time” and the movie “The Mummy” (1999), so no major character death or dark!fic tropes.

Warnings include:

  • Violence (battles, attacks — your basic fantasy novel stuff, but nothing extreme or mentally scarring)
  • Polyamorous MMF love triad (aka throuple)
  • Injury to animals (off-screen but discussed)
  • tba
Family Feud

This short novella is mostly about an external crisis affecting a brother and sister duo. I wrote it a long time ago, fwiw.

I don’t believe there are any content warnings necessary for this story, although be advised it ends with everyone in transit as they escape. However, an “everyone lives!” ending is implied. If you read it and feel there do need to be warnings for anything, please let me know. Thanks!


A quirky sweet novella about an couple with slight age difference (about 10 years) with a happy ending.

Warnings include:

  • Internalized homophobia
  • References to past substance abuse
Grieving Futures: Surviving the Deaths of My Parents

This book is about the deaths of my parents so, yeah, there is a LOT of discussion about dying and death. It is not a fun memior.

Warnings for:

  • Mutliple effects of medical conditions including but not limited to asthma, cancer, and strokes.
  • Discussion of mental health issues including bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and depression
  • Drug use (mine)
  • Sexual escapades (mine)
  • Deaths (my parents)
Mismatched (Guardsmen'verse 3)

This sweet romantic novella features an inter-racial couple and a happy ending!

Warnings for:

  • Soul bonding
  • References to institutional racism
  • Insecurity (both leads)
  • Miscommunication (more like lack of communication, but it is not a major plot point)
Mixed Signals

This not-quite-contemporary romance features bitter exes, odd-couple romance, political intrigue, and a happy ending. It is set in 2014 which in retrospect I find highly ironic.

Warnings for:

  • Homophobia 
  • Internalized homophobia (by secondary characters)
  • DADT fallout (ML’s career) 
  • Anti-semitism (mild, mostly off-screen)
  • Child sex trafficking (off-screen, but experienced by a secondary character)
  • Outing of queer character: The outing is incidental to the revelation of a bigger illegal plot, but it does happen, and there is discussion back and forth by the main leads about it. 
  • Politics: I personally feel that always needs tagging, especially given *waves hands around* everything. The political plot involves a right-wing conservative politician who is the secret ex-lover of one of leads. 
Parker's Sanctuary (Guardsmen'verse 2)

The second book in my Guardsmen’verse series features a lot of angst but a happy ending!

Warnings include:

  • Stalking (by a secondary character, not between the leads)
  • Religion-based homophobia (by family members)
  • Graphic depictions of violence, including dog attacks (although they are weredogs)
  • PTSD and depression, including violent war flashbacks/nightmare with disturbing imagery
  • Soul bonding
  • Animal abuse (mostly offscreen but discussed)
  • Animal/pet death (offscreen but discussed)
  • Wild animal death (implied that they were killed but nothing graphic)
  • Kidnapping and being held hostage (events are prior to the start of the story but are discussed extensively)
  • Military: one of the leads is a former dog hander in the Army, and suffers PTSD due to his service. His time in the Army is not glorified, and is treated as a net-negative in his life.
  • Cops: One of the leads used to work as a probation officer prior to the start of the story, but leaves that world behind by the end of it. My feelings around police have changed a lot since I wrote this in 2013. The police in this story don’t come off great, but by no means do they represent the corrupt institution I believe police departments are in the modern USA.
    The Protector (Guardsmen'verse 1)

    The first book in my Guardsmen’verse series features a lot of angst and a slow, angry burn but a happy ending!

    Warnings for:

    • Graphic descriptions of violence, including dog attacks (although they are weredogs)
    • Grief and mourning (for a character who died prior to the start of the book)
    • Soul bonding
    • Dub-con sex (based on the soul bonding part)
    • Depression
    • Cops: One of the leads used to work as a “cop dog” with his husband, prior to the start of the story, and continues to work as a consultant detective. My feelings around police have changed a lot since I wrote this in 2011. The police in this story don’t come off great, but by no means do they represent the corrupt institution I believe police departments are in the modern USA. 
    The Queen's Aerie

    This is a fun fantasy MMF romp featuring dragons, true love, war, and an HEA! It is not explicit, in fact it is fade-to-black so if you are looking for spicy, look elsewhere. There is no major character death, and there is a happy ending. However, some things are left hanging for a possible sequel (or prequel!) in the future.

    Warnings for:

    • Battle scenes, including bloody dragon-on-dragon fights
    • Kidnapping
    • Court intregue
    • A lot of worldbuilding!
    Rogues - ON HIATUS


    This is a work in progress (WIP) that I expect will be very long and take well over a year from start to finish. It’s going to cover a lot of ground and while the main leads do not die and there is a happy ending for them, it’s…it’s gonna be rough.

    In the meantime:

    • Secondary character death
    • Body horror (like, a lot, but this is not a horror story)
    • Xenophobia (which will likely mirror systemic issues like racism and misogyny)
    • War
    • Attempted genocide
    • more added as I come across them
    Wolves of Harmony Heights

    This is a fun paranormal romance with a happy ending. There is no major character death but there are a few things to warn for:

    • Internalized homophobia
    • Racism (discussions of, and directed toward secondary characters, but is not a major theme)
    • Bad parenting (not by main character, but her parents are choice. No abuse, though)
    • Graphic descriptions of violence (along the lines of, say, Supernatural or Teen Wolf)
    • On-screen M/M/F sex scenes 
    [ba_image_carousel animation_speed=”1200ms” autoplay_speed=”2500ms” slide_count=”1″ _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#82a6c5″ width=”75%” width_tablet=”90%” width_phone=”90%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” global_module=”233″ saved_tabs=”all” global_colors_info=”{}”][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”KimBoo and Keely-Boo” photo=”” photo_alt=”KimBoo and Keely” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”Keely face-on” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely looking at the camera” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”Sunlight Keely” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely looking bronze in the sunlight” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”Keely being goofy” photo=”” photo_alt=”goofy Keely” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”Keely & KimBoo looking unsure” photo=”” photo_alt=”KimBoo and Keely ” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”peek-a-boo Keely” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely peeking out from under a table” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”tired Keely” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely waking up” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”yoga dog” photo=”” photo_alt=”keely on a yoga mat with the text %22Yoga dog!!!%22″ _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”Keely in the doorway” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely staring at me in the doorway” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”noble profile” photo=”” photo_alt=”Keely in noble profile” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][ba_image_carousel_child admin_title=”dopey keely” photo=”” photo_alt=”dopey keely” _builder_version=”4.23.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/ba_image_carousel_child][/ba_image_carousel]