KimBoo York, Storyteller
Non-fiction in the streets, fanfiction in the sheets!

Hi, I’m KimBoo York, a GenX elder-goth and irrepressible storyteller whose main purpose is providing the best possible life for my rescue mutt, Keely-Boo, who is perfect and beyond reproach in every way. 🐾
I’m also a librarian📚, a former project manager, podcaster🎤, and professional author who wears too many hats and crosses too many genres, from romance to fantasy and non-fiction.
I stayed up late as a kid, reading under the covers with a flashlight, and not much has changed. At eight, in the dim glow of a movie theater, Star Wars: A New Hope played out before my eyes. The notion that someone could craft any universe and weave any narrative they want to capture the hearts of audiences transformed me. This was not merely a filmatic moment; it was an epiphany, a call to adventure I’ve never managed to escape. I discovered the “Endless Possibilities” storytelling offered me.
I’m still that same fangirl at heart, with an ever-rotating list of OTPs. 💖I have been writing “slash” since I was a teenager and did not understand much about biology, or, really much of anything. I’ll leave it up to you whether I have improved since then or not! In my fiction, I aim to bring real-life issues into my character’s experiences, no matter the setting or genre, but always with a guaranteed happy ending. Life is grim-dark enough as it is, and I want to bring some joy into everyone’s lives (characters and readers included!).
Raised in a queer 🏳🌈 household, I am a cis-gendered woman who identifies as a bisexual, pacifist, anti-racist, anti-colonialist, sex-positive, intersectional feminist. In fandom terms, I’m a proshipper. I claim my Jewishness with pride but I am not a Zionist. I keep a strict policy against interaction with antis, TERFs, MAGAts, and similar hate groups, and will block accordingly.
I also have an IRL with a life balance coaching business, favorite restaurants, and a deep, abiding aversion to vacuuming. You know, as you do.
If you are looking for my bona-fides, you’ll have better luck visiting my personal site,
A gentle reminder: the content I produce is intended for adult audiences, so I ask that people who are underage not to interact with this website, read my work, or sign up for my newsletter. 🔞
Would you like to work 1:1 with me?
I do author coaching and work with writers at all levels of their career and across many genres!
Check out my gigs on Fiverr!
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